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NC DHHS Services for the Blind

NC DHHS Services for the Blind

The Division of Services for the Blind provides services to people who are visually impaired, blind and deaf-blind to help them reach their goals of independence and employment.


Medical Eye Care Program:

Program that helps with paying for non-cosmetic eye surgeries/procedures (such as cataract surgery-best corrected 20/50 or worse, vitrectomy, laser surgery, injections, hard contacts for keratoconus) and eye medications (such as glaucoma drops).  Program eligibility is income based and for people who don’t have insurance (private, Medicare or Medicaid).  Residency requirements must also be met (citizen or legal resident).  Medical eligibility is determined by the state ophthalmologist.

*We do not cover eye exams/glasses.  As a courtesy, we refer to external sources (usually the local Lions Club) for assistance with these requests, as their funds permit.

Independent Living Services Program:

A home-based program that helps individuals regain independence with activities of daily living by use of adaptive aids/equipment such as big button phones, talking watch/clock, tactile markings on appliances, lighted magnifiers, sunglasses, lighting, orientation and mobility-cane/training.  Program eligibility is based on a person’s eye condition (progressive eye disease) or best corrected visual acuity as defined by program guidelines (legal blindness or visual impairment).  Services are not income based and are FREE (paid for by the state).

For additional programs offered through District Offices:

201 Curtis Bridge Rd., Wilkesboro, NC

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